Quote: The government has neglected family law but the current inquiries should finish before we start another one

“Although Labor oppose this motion, once again we are acutely aware of the failings of the family law system and the impact these deficiencies can have on families and children in particular. This has only worsened over the last five years of neglect of the family law system under three coalition Prime Ministers with no interest in these matters. However, there is currently a major Senate inquiry into the government's proposed Family Court amalgamation that will report in March. A comprehensive review of the family law system is also being undertaken by the Australian Law Reform Commission, and it will report back to the Australian people in April. Labor will carefully consider the outcomes of both of these major inquiries before deciding whether a further inquiry, and the cost and delay that would involve, would assist. In the meantime, Labor will continue to fight for improvements to the family law system, including increased funding for more court registrars, judges, legal assistant services and capital works for court buildings to make them more safe for families using them.”

Australian Labor Party 12 Feb 2019


 Said byAustralian Labor Party
 TopicProposal to set up a Royal Commission into family law and child support systems
12 Feb 2019SourceSenate Hansard 12 Feb 2019