A tribute to Richard Gardner
Occasionally, I encounter individuals of extraordinary talent. One such fellow who seems to fit that bill was Dr Richard Gardner. Richard Gardner was a American psychiatrist who understood that for society to keep improving, it was necessary for talented people to be creative, energetic and brave.
Among his accomplishments, he:
- Thought the tools therapists were using to understand what's going on in children's lives were inadequate, and so invented new tools.
- Saw that people were getting obsessively focused on sex and crime and tried to bring some perspective to the matter.
- Used his vast experience in giving testimony in court to write books helping other experts do the same.
- Described a new syndrome (Parental Alienation Syndrome) to explain what happens to children when one parent wants to erase the other parent.
- Did a long-term study in the effects on families where courts ignored his advice.
- Created games to help kids feel better about themselves.
- Wrote books advising child therapists on how to be better child therapists.
- Wrote self-help books for children.
- Wrote parenting advice books for parents.
- Seeing that fairy stories had ridiculous ideals for children, wrote some better fairy stories.
- Invented games to help you think while enjoying the company of other people.
I re-created his website from an internet archive, keeping the original text and updating it to modern standards.
I know there are people who have criticised Richard Gardner and I have considered these criticisms carefully before deciding to brush them aside. So, the world is full of jealous little people ... let them stew in their own sanctimonious juices.
See the website I created for Dr Gardner here: