What types of ideologies will emerge in the future?
My friends Asa Jomard and Gijs Van Beeck Calkoen wrote a blog post recently calling for people to APC possible new ideologies to emerge in the future. Below is my effort:
- Want to see societal systems working well.
- Call for government to devote resources specifically to understanding systems.
- Interpret peoples’ actions in terms of system behaviour rather than individual behaviour.
- Educate themselves and others in systems thinking.
Happyists would:
- See happiness as a legitimate goal.
- Have a very precise definition of happiness (contentment rather than excitement, long term satisfaction rather than short term fix).
- Be happy for others.
- Encourage others to do things that makes them happy.
Engagementists would:
- Want to see people engage with each other in meaningful, constructive and positive ways.
- Seek to engage warmly with others.
- Call on the government to further the aims of engagementists eg. set up a department of community engagement.
Oscar Wilde suggested:
“It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.”
- Would, where required, send themselves and their children to charm school.
- Encourage others to be charming.
- Read books like Edward de Bono’s “How to have a beautiful mind” for clues on how to be charming.
Creativists would:
- Laud those who generate original and useful ideas.
- Train themselves to be more creative.
Learningists would:
- Encourage people to learn.
- Laud those who make it easier for people to learn.
- See learning as not as a mere collection of facts (which has now been superseded by technology), but as appreciating new useful patterns.
Futurists would:
- Looks at the world from the perspective of the future.
- Explore possibilities for the future.
- Call for governments to set up a "Department for the future".
- Are, in a sense, like aestheticists, but see beauty in everything, not just art.
- Seek out original forms of beauty.
- Encourage others to take an interest in beauty.
- See beauty where others may not see beauty.
- Show beauty to others (many examples from Asa).
De Bonoists would:
- Celebrate the work of Edward de Bono.
- Read books and actively pursue ideas developed by Edward de Bono.
- Periodically ask themselves, "What would Dr de Bono say or do here?"
Phil Bachmann
31 May 2019