Proposal to acknowledge family law system's effect on men and get government to do something about it


Senator Pauline Hanson moved that:

That the Senate—

(a) acknowledges that:

(i) male suicides increase significantly over Christmas, and

(ii) discriminatory aspects of Australia's family law system, which acts to separate children from parents and grandparents at Christmas time, contribute to this increase; and

(b) calls on the Federal Government to take urgent steps to deal with discriminatory aspects of the Australian family law system.

Related URL:;fileType=application%2Fpdf.


 AssociateSenator Pauline Hanson
 AssociateProposal to set up a Royal Commission into family law and child support systems
12 Feb 2019OpinionFamily law is a difficult area; We hope parliament will agree to our reforms and our major review is due soon
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